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School Governors are a team of volunteers who together with the Headteacher set the strategic direction of the school. Our local governing body (LGB) at Langley Park Primary School is made up of a number of people from diverse backgrounds, with a breadth of professional skills and experience.

The Governors at LPPS provide support and challenge our Headteacher, Mrs S Kluzek. We work together to ensure that we offer the best possible education for every child.


Name Category Appointed by Date of Appointment Term of Office Role      
Karen Collins Trust appointed Board of Trustees 25/03/2021 4 Years  
Hannah Conroy Parent Parents 11/03/2024 4 Years  
Michael Cotton Trust appointed Board of Trustees 07/03/2023 4 Years  
Partick Cullen Trust appointed Board of Trustees 01/07/2024 4 Years  
Sarah Kluzek Headteacher Ex-officio 01/09/2017   Head Teacher
Pearse Reynolds Trust appointed Board of Trustees 20/01/2022 4 Years  
Janet Tibbalds Trust appointed Board of Trustees 01/09/2022 4 Years Chair of Governors
Geraldine Wright Trust appointed Board of Trustees 05/12/2023 4 Years  
Helen Lawlor Trust appointed Board of Trustees 25/09/2023 4 Years  
Jessica Francis Staff Governor Staff 29/09/2023 4 Years  


Governers' main responsibilities are to:

  • Set the school’s vision, ethos and strategic aims
  • Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Oversee the financial performance on the school, ensuring value for money

Our meetings

All Governors come together for full local governing body (LGB) meetings six times a year to discuss key developments and to vote on particular issues. Minutes are taken for all meetings by the IMAT Clerking and Compliance Manager.

Terms of office

All Governors serve for a period of four years.

Multi Academy Trust

Langley Park Primary School is proud to be part of Impact Multi Academy Trust, for further detailed governance information, please click here

Find out more

To find out more about what we do, please contact Janet Tibbalds, Chair of Governors.

Tel: 020 8639 5300




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